Inspiritu’s NLP practitioners course

You will learn

  • How to build and maintain rapport
  • The key to successful relationships.
  • How to gather specific, high quality information from people and how to use it to achieve your outcomes.
  • How to increase the range of what you are able to see, hear and feel and so know more about what’s going on.
  • How to use metaphor effectively, as all great communicators do.
  • How to generate practical, well-formed outcomes and how to achieve them.
  • How to design interventions to move a person or Organisation from a present state to a desired state.
  • How to create the right context for successful individual and organisational change.
  • How to change unwanted behaviors in positive ways.
  • How to talk another person’s language.
  • How to create your own personal state of excellence,
  • How to communicate clearly and effectively.
  • How to make meetings work.
  • How to mediate and negotiate more successfully.
  • How to recognise and use powerful language patterns.
  • How to develop your behavioral flexibility and creativity.
  • How to be more at peace with yourself.
  • How to connect the Mind, the Body and the Soul.
  • How to access you Personal Mastery.
  • How to access you Emotional Genius.
  • Emotional Intelligence as Personal Mastery.
  • Managing your higher levels of thinking – “ Exploring Consciousness Consciously.”

In addition you will learn how to use many specific change techniques and patterns – for example:

  • Reframing and time line work,
  • Power Zone pattern for self- esteem. Belief change patterns.

No prior training is required.

Course Table of Contents

  • Glossary
  • Rapport
  • Meta Model
  • States and Meta States
  • Framing, Reframing, Outframing, Meta Framing.
  • Well Formed Outcomes
  • Sensory Acuity
  • Submodalities
  • Eye Accessing
  • Anchoring
  • Perceptual Positions
  • Sorting Patterns
  • Logical Levels Verbal Reframing
  • Introduction to Altered States of Consciousness

Change Processes and Patterns

  • 6-Step Reframing
  • Constructively Handling Criticism
  • Life/Time-Lining
  • Phobia/ Trauma Resolution
  • New Behaviour Generator
  • Change History
  • VK Dissociation
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Introduction to Strategies
    and much, much more …………..

What Happens

The 28-day NLP training is divided into modules of two days.

The two days are a full Saturday and Sunday normally twice a month.

To ensure you get the most from the training, there will be a lively variety of learning formats: group presentations, special “how to” demonstrations, small group exercises step-by-step individual coaching, role plays, diagnostic sessions, practical skill-building work, tasks and discussion, and plenty of opportunity to have your questions answered as you go along.

To ensure optimum supervised practice we have a team of qualified assistants to call on when and if necessary and build practice sessions into each module. Between modules there are optional skill- building tasks.

  • An integrated vision – Gives the whole training a holistic nature providing vital continuity and assurance of quality.
  • Project-based learning – Ensures you integrate NLP into your life, both personally and professionally.
  • Optimum format – We deliberately favour ten weekend modules every alternate weekend. These segments give in-depth experience fast but allow sufficient time in between to digest and integrate.
  • Outstanding support material – Fully comprehensive, specially written course manual.

NLP Practitioners Programme

Module 1

  1. Opening Frames
  2. Welcome
  3. Group Dynamics
  4. Logistics
  5. Safety Contract
  6. Journalling
  7. Introductions
  8. What is NLP and not NLP

Module 2

  1. Come to Cause
  2. Drama Triangle
  3. Enter the Dolphin
  4. NLP Overview
  5. History of NLP
  6. Main Presuppositions of NLP
  7. Attributes of Experience

Module 3

  1. Experience & NLP Mechanics
  2. Johari Window Model
  3. Feedback & Systems Thinking
  4. Sensory Acuity & Calibration
  5. Rapport

Module 4

  1. Representational systems & preferred modalities
  2. Self-Assessment – preferred modalities
  3. Rapport: Theory & language / predicates, Exercises
  4. Eye accessing cues

Module 5

  1. Meta model:
  • Deletion
  • Distortion
  • Generalization
  • Meta Model Softeners

Module 6

  2. Eliciting Beliefs & Values
  3. Identifying limiting beliefs*
  4. Values:
    1. Unpacking & recognition
    2. Values Elicitation
    3. Values Chunking
    4. Values Hierarchy
    5. Means & End


Module 7

  1. Useful Frames (Preframe, Ecology frame, Outcome frame, Contrast frame, Systems frame) 
  2. Wheel of Life
  3. The AS IF FRAME*
  4. Chunking
  5. Conditions of a WFO

Module 8

  1. WFO Steps
    1. Description
    2. Demonstration
    3. Experiential Exercises
  2. Cartesian Model
  3. Present State elicitation (part of WFO)

Module 9

  1. Association & Dissociation
  2. Tools for Ass/Diss
  3. 3 Perceptual Positions*
  4. Stalking*

Module 10  

  1. States & State Characteristics
  2. NLP Anchors
  3. FRUIT – Anchoring conditions
  4. Steps to Anchoring

Module 11  

  1. States & Anchors
    Exercises, Techniques & Processes
  2. New Orleans Flexibility Drill*
  3. New Behavior Generator*
  4. Change Personal History*
  5. Circle of Excellence*
  6. Treasures from the Past
  7. Chaining of Anchors
  8. Sliding Anchors – Sliding anchors for self-esteem*

Module 12

  1. SubModalities
  2. SubModality checklist
  3. SubModality mapping across
  4. SubModality SWISH*
  5. Size/ Brightness
  6. Distance/ Color
  7. Godiva Chocolate Pattern
  8. Hypnotic Language (Milton Model)

Module 13

  1. Change History Timeline*
  2. Eliciting Life Line Procedure*
  3. Reframing negative experience
  4. Frames & Reframes: Content & Context
  5. Visual Squash / Conflict resolution*
  6. Conditional Close (reframing/negotiation)
  7. Negotiation Tools
  8. Six-step reframe – parts change piece*

Module 14

  1. Eye movement integration*
  2. NLP Allergy Technique*
  3. VK Dissociation with Trauma/ PHOBIA cure*
  4. Neurological Levels of Change*



Next, contact Sedrick.